Flag of Cocos Keeling Islands

Cocos Keeling Islands

Where is Cocos Keeling Islands located?
Cocos Keeling Islands locator
Map of Cocos Keeling Islands
Map of Cocos Keeling Islands
Capital:West Island
Current Currency:Australian dollar (AUD)
Demonym:Cocos Islander
Official Languages:Malay, English
Ethnic Groups:Malays, Europeans
Religions:Islam, Irreligious, Christianity
Country Calling Code:+61
Top Level Domain:.cc
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:CC
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:CCK
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 17 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 1,4815 AUD
1 AUD = 0,6750 USD
1 EUR = 1,6481 AUD
1 AUD = 0,6068 EUR